Deeper Understanding of Personality Creates More Effective Teams
The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) has been administered by professionals worldwide for decades. The ability to better understand one’s innate preferences is powerful. Perhaps even more powerful is understanding the innate personality preferences of those around you.
Especially in a work setting.
Acacia HR Solutions founder Sabrina Baker is a MBTI Certified Practitioner. Certified practitioners have gone through training to help them properly administer and interpret the MBTI assessment. With this assessment, she creates workshops for teams who want to understand personality type in an effort to work better together.
What are the benefits?
Ever wondered how the MBTI assessment can shake things up in the way we collaborate? Turns out, only 14 percent of executives find the traditional hierarchical model effective these days. Forward-thinking leaders are embracing a more flexible, team-focused approach, and MBTI insights play a key role. It's not just about personal development; it's about leveling up team dynamics, leadership skills, conflict resolution, career changes, and transitions. Big multinational companies love the shared language Myers-Briggs brings to the table for discussing interpersonal differences. No wonder it's the go-to choice for training and development programs worldwide!
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The Four Myers-Briggs Preference Pairs

& Introverts

& Intuition

& Feeling

& Perceiving
What our clients are saying

Hiring ACACIA to spend a day with our employees going over their Myers Briggs results had a big impact on the operation of our business and continues to pay dividends even now 6 months later.
Jamie L.
United Agncies INC
MBTI Workshops
Workshops are offered in half or full day packages. An initial workshop consists of participants taking the official Myers Briggs Type Indicator, learning about the personality dichotomies and working through several activities designed to better understand individual personality type and that of their co-workers. Participants leave the workshop with a common language they can use to talk about their personality differences and tools to navigate working within those differences.
Once all participants have gone through the initial workshop, further team building based on the MBTI can be customized around business goals.
Sabrina talked about leveraging personality type at DISRUPTHR Los Angeles. You can see her talk in this video.
Workshops are offered in half or full day packages. An initial workshop consists of participants taking the official Myers Briggs Type Indicator, learning about the personality dichotomies and working through several activities designed to better understand individual personality type and that of their co-workers. Participants leave the workshop with a common language they can use to talk about their personality differences and tools to navigate working within those differences.
Once all participants have gone through the initial workshop, further team building based on the MBTI can be customized around business goals.
Sabrina talked about leveraging personality type at DISRUPTHR Los Angeles. You can see her talk in this video.
You're probably
CEO, Sabrina Baker was first introduced to the MBTI during her corporate years. The thing she loved most was the fact that it gave employees common terms they could use to explain themselves. It allowed people, who had previously struggled to describe themselves, a way to do it in a way others could understand.
There are several personality indicators available that work – DISC being one of them – but we prefer MBTI for the amount of introspection it offers and the ability to give a voice to personality traits that were previously misunderstood.
To get the full benefit of understanding personality type, participants need time to self-identify, review their results from the official MBTI and go through activities that demonstrate the different dichotomies. This is not possible in one hour.
We do offer other personality-type sessions not based on the MBTI that we can offer for shorter time periods, but our MBTI workshops are a minimum of 4-hours.
The MBTI is available to individuals through The Myers Briggs Foundation. Taking the assessment this way is a valid way to find out your personality type. The value that a certified consultant brings is the ability to explain the results, help teams understand how to leverage the strengths of each personality type and work through differences that opposite types can bring.
If you are going to go the route of an online test beware of imitators. There are many tests that are loosely based on the MBTI but are not backed by research or certified by Myers Briggs.
There are two different costs associated with our MBTI workshops. The first is that everyone in the workshop will need to take the official MBTI assessment. The fee is $30/participant. This is a savings over the $49.95 Myers Briggs charges to individuals who take it without going through a certified consultant.
The second cost is the cost of the workshop. Basic half-day workshops in Southern California are $2000. Customized workshops or workshops that require travel will incur additional costs. It is best to reach out and discuss your needs to get an exact quote.
Our preference and suggestion are always in-person sessions as we think that resonates the most with participants. However, we have and can do virtual sessions. There are some requirements that we have in order for us to feel as though the virtual session is going to have the same impact as in-person.
Please share your situation with us and we can discuss whether a virtual session is right for your team.
We believe all types of teams can benefit from learning about personality type. The teams we work with the most are executive teams, leadership teams, individual departments, small businesses or startups. Really, any group of people who need to improve team dynamics could benefit from the workshop.
Interested in the Myers Briggs Type Indicator but want to read more before committing to a workshop? Sabrina writes about how she uses the MBTI with clients on this blog. You can read all the posts associated with Myers Briggs

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